Advanced Skin Analysis

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Are you someone that wants to really learn about your skin and understand exactly what is going on? Our Advanced Analysis is far more than a brief discussion on your skin concerns. Utilizing the Observ® machine, it is the only skin diagnostic device to offer six different light sources for a detailed analysis!

It allows us to explore what the surface of your skin is really like but more importantly what's happening underneath it. It will show us skin texture, inflammation, sun damage, oil flow and even a peak into what you may look like in 15 years time!

So from all the detailed questions we ask you (health/diet/lifestyle/cosmetic use) along with this Analysis machine we are able to get really specific with your skin program and home prescription (no more second guessing or one size fit's all with us because you are all so different).

On the day you will get a taste for some LED light therapy. If you think of your cells as batteries, overtime they become drained and flat. LED has the ability to re-energise your batteries so they are running at peak performance again. Super relaxing and safe. 

This Analysis is our most popular choice. If you would look to book in please click the 'book now' button or if its for a loved one click 'buy voucher' to get them started!

We so look forward to meeting you :)
SJM Team

60 minutes | 110.00


1. Day light - This mode will show a true image of what the client sees in the mirror.
2. Cross Polarization - This mode provides an unparalleled view below the skin's surface. At the touch of a button, vascular, pigmentation and/or inflammation disorders become visible to the eye.
3. Parallel-polarization - This technology mode enhances the skin's surface texture, fine lines, wrinkles, excess keratinisation, enlarged pores and blackheads, in high detail.
4. True UV - Will show sun damage, oil flow, blocked pores, porphyrin, under lying pigmentation and age spots.
5. Woods - This mode allows us to obtain a clearer, more contrasting and detailed image of the above mode.
6. Complexion - This mode is a generated image of all the images combined to showcase what could be in 15 years!