Understanding your skin type

It's understandable why many people get confused about what professionals refer to as 'skin types' let alone knowing what their true skin type is. Why is it important to know? Well because its going to make many of your product and treatment choices a hell of a lot easier and personalised for you. Firstly lets start off with a brief definition, here is mine put simply. Genetics play a big role in making you unique, it ultimately shapes what you look like and how well you will age. When you are born your essentially given a 'skin type', so therefore it is genetic. This is why it can be quite common for relatives to share some if not all skin issues you may experience over your lifespan. Your parents skin and body is also a good indication of what you may look like at their age also! 

There are only 3 different skin types: Oily, Lipid Dry and Diffused Red. Lets break each one down that way you can decide which one you fall into. Remember you can be whats called a 'split face' and be a combination of 2 skin types.

Oily: Open pores, prone to breakouts and blackheads. Excessive oil flow, often presenting with a constant sheen. Skin is often thicker and more durable. Quite commonly Mediterranean, Asian and Indian descents have this skin type. This skin type ages the best due to constant lubrication of the skin.

Lipid Dry: Very small pores, little to no oil flow. Rarely gets breakouts. A tight feeling is often experienced with flaking present in some areas. Skin is typically thinner, less durable and ages the quickest due to lack of oil flow. People with this skin type really need to focus on introducing more moisture and strengthening their lipid barrier to prevent water loss in the skin. They can also be more susceptible to pathogen entry into the skin due to poor barrier protection.

Diffused Red:  Typically the skin will have a reddened appearance with flushing on cheeks, nose and chin. Dilated capillaries can be present and skin will appear thin and almost 'translucent'. Commonly diffused red skins can also share a Lipid Dry tendency. The person as a whole often suffers from allergies. 

The reality is, you cannot CHANGE what skin type you have but you can IMPROVE it. Thankfully product technology has advanced and is still advancing to the point where we can direct our skin exactly what we want it to do. 

Of course skin is more complex and unfortunately can't just be squeezed into these 4 categories, there are many more factors that influence whats happening in the skin further adding to peoples confusion. This is where skin conditions come into play which I will be covering next post! Stay tuned, any questions ask away.

Suzanne x