Why we created a facial purely focused on massage...?

Massage not only feels amazing and relaxing but it also has some incredible benefits to the human body that are more than just skin deep.

We created a facial completely focused on massage not only to destress and melt the tension away during these busy times but to improve skin health, promote anti-aging properties and give you a natural facelift.

Just like the rest of your body, facial muscles require exercise to keep your skin looking healthy and strong! Employing different movements such as smooth flowing, kneading, knuckling, lifting, rolling, and pressure points will do the following. 

Increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage:

Increasing blood circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissue promoting healthier cells working at an optimal level. When your cells are functioning and communicating 'normally' your skins microflora is balanced. The skin microbiome works to support our skin by protecting against infection, influencing the immune response, protecting against UV radiation, and helps provide nourishment to the cells. 

Through the movement of massage, we can also encourage stagnate waste and toxins to be detoxified using our lymphatic system. Lymph is the build of white blood cells, bacteria and other excess bodily fluids. The lymphatic system is our body’s ‘sewerage system’, this waste can sit and accumulate in the vessels. Encouraging the lymph to circulate and be processed through the lymph nodes clarifies your skin’s complexion.

Calms your nervous system: This point is so important. We know how much stress can impact a person's life, mental health, internal health and skin health. Having a relaxing element to a facial will not only help you to de-stress, it will reduce cortisol levels.

What is Cortisol, cortisol is a stress hormone which is naturally released from your adrenal glands. When you wake up, exercise or face a stressful event. A signal is sent to your adrenal glands to produce the right amount of cortisol. 

Cortisol levels increase in times of stress, which directly has an impact on your skin's health and existing skin conditions.. When your body is under stress, collagen breaks down, the protein in the skin which gives its structure and firmness. Inflammation and oil production increases. 

Which leads to blocked pores and breakouts. Studies have shown a reduction in skin surface lips such as essential fatty acids. Fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s are the building blocks of healthy cell membranes. These polyunsaturated fats also help produce the skin's natural oil barrier, critical in keeping skin hydrated, plumper, and younger looking. Stress also causes neurogenic inflammation, that causes itching flushing and swelling.

Natural Facelift: There are particular massage movements that can immensely contour and lift your facial muscles .Deterioration of facial tissue is due in part to muscle loss. Facial yoga helps slow down the look of ageing skin, elongates and strengthens muscles. Combining the face yoga method plus efficacious home care and professional treatments will support skin health. A complete workout to the facial muscles can also reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin giving you the appearance of youthful skin. 

So never underestimate the power of massage and hands on healing

Suzanne Smedley