Perioral Dermatitis

One condition we are seeing a lot this winter is Perioral Dermatitis. Is it a coincidence that people are presenting with this condition during the colder months? Not a coincidence and we will explain more about this below!

Perioral Dermatitis is a skin barrier inflammatory disorder commonly identified due to it’s unique location and dermatitis like presentation. It typically presents as a red rash that circles around the mouth, up to the nose with skin that is dry, sometimes flakes or scaly with inflamed pimples. It is a form of dermatitis that can last days, months to years depending on the time of onset and history of management. The tricky part for a client and therapist when treating PD is that it is multi factorial meaning triggers can come from multiple internal and external sources making it sometimes difficult to manage the moving parts. You definitely need good management when it comes to treating internally and externally; which is where we come in!!

If this sounds like something you may be experiencing then without a doubt an Advanced or Express Skin Analysis Consult is the first place to start. We need to have a conversation to educate you, identify your unique triggers (cold temps may be causing flare ups hence the lack in coincidence in PD) and set you up with an individualised treatment plan and skin prescription! We have so many skin care & treatment options to keep you motivated & seeing long term results.

Suzanne Smedley